This is the story of Richard, Margaret's son, and mother Margaret. They are both quite near. Their relationship is unique. In their tranquil existence, nothing is ever the same for very long. Is there any possibility that their tranquil life will return?... This is the story of Margaret, a mother, and her son Richard, just for you. They are both quite near. Their relationship is unique. In their tranquil existence, nothing is ever the same for very long. Is there any possibility that their tranquil life will return? Since things in life can change suddenly, Richard is in a situation where his only goal is to mend his relationship with his mother.
Having a rough family story has made you even closer with your mother's pal's daughetrs. And especially you were into Jennifer. Yet revealing to her your feelings was like the biggest fear of your life... until this night. Tonight during the vacation on tropical island the situation gets completely out of control when the jelaousy and blind rage are threatening your life itself!
The main character of our story seems to have all that he needs in life - the charms, the looks, the intelligence and even the status of professor at Infinity College. The only thing he is lacking of is... his past. Raised as an adopted kid our guy always was eager to know what happened with his actual parents. And by the latest discoveries there is a lot to solve in this mystery...
Our main heorine is on her way to a distant island to meet her boyfriend there. During the flight she happens to have a very strange dream and to meet some creepy stranger... only to understand that the dream is not so strange and that the creep is not such a stranger when she will arrive at airport! Yet how all of these are connected, what kind of shady things her boyfriend is involved and will it be as easy to leave the island than it was to get on it? For all these questions she will find answers only with your help!
Some troubles in the family makes you to come back from the university back to your parents house... which is a several store building in the fancy neighborhood! Ofcourse running such big hosue is hard and that is why your help is needed. Arriving at the place you realise that there are a lot of realtives and pals live here which makes it even more similar to the dorm you have left... and there are a lot of fun and crazy things happen at the dorm!
Main heroine of our story is nice and sweet gal who works at the local dinner and trying to find an affordable place to live with her pal. Yet how does everyone else see her? They see her as a slut who only pretends to be so good and humble and each of them think that he is the one who can reveal her slutty nature. Her manager, her customers, her landlord - will anyone of them succeed?
Being on adventures with commander Shepard and his crew is all fun but quarrian Tali has her own quest to complete - the old ritual known as the Pilgrimage 'according to which she has no right to return back home until she will find something very useful for her people. It can be a rare machine or advanced technology... or a new tehcinques of having sex maybe? But what exactly it will be is now up to you and the choices that you will make during this new and by all means exciting adventure in the familair sci-fi universe of "Mass Effect"!
You are playing as a teacher who is trying to start a new life on a new place. The thing is on your previous job you was involevd into a nasty accident which made you to change the location. Will you be able to move on no matter what? Or will you repeat the old mistake twice? One thing is certain - there will be a lot of temptations yet how to react on them is now entirely up to you!
During the epidemic you and your new roommates are spending all the time inside the appartment. Luckily enough your roomies are both quite hot looking ladies which gives you the opportunity of a lifetime - step by step you will be seducing them on a daily basis! But be careful since being so limited in space and company makes your each word and your every action count.
Once Rudy was a shy guy for whom to hide in the ladies locker room was the greatest challenge of his life. Yet now he has more serious troubles such as being hit by an automobile while saving his lovely girlfriend. How will this accident affect Rudy's life? In common words - quite significantly! Yet as for the kinky details then you will define them by yourself while living Rudy's life day by day and making important choices for him.
The troubels for our main character begin even before he arrives in the country as an exchange student. The source of these troubles is... his name! It is considered as girly name in this country and because of that now he will have to live in a house full of other ladies. But is it actually a problem or is it a chance for a happy staying? Depends on your decisions and actions!
For a recent college graduate, admission to a prestigious university is a exciting and potentially transforming step. However, along with academic capabilities, the need to move to a new city also comes, which may be a difficult task. For one such graduate whom we will call, the search for housing was a paramount priority. In an effort to balance the availability and amenities, he drew attention to the announcement of renting a room in a stunning house.
You are a young man who has just hit the legal age so you are quite eager for new explorations and terrific discoveries. And what is better time for these things other than while studying at college? Your parents were not so happy to let you go away since living in a big city all alone comes with a substantial number of various temptations. And you know what? They are absolutely right!
You only wanted to spend these few vacant days away from civilization in the lonely cabin in the snowy woods. Yet once you arrive at the place you find someone who has got here just a little bit sooner - a beautfiul wolfgril who seems to be in big troubles. And right after you another wolfgirl appears claimning she is the sister of the first one. Will you believe her? Will you protect the first gal? Or will you try to find any solution in between? Now it is all up to you!
As a former boxer in The Two Sides of Love, you're accused of being a drug and alcohol addict and lose everything, including the people closest to you. Your ex-wife vanishes, and your daughters return to your life, but where is she? This strange nightmare subject must be investigated while you try to reclaim the love of your daughters. It's not going to be easy, and you'll have to do everything in your power to regain the trust of your daughters after all that you've put them through.
Getting a new job and moving to a new city is big stress because of looking for a new place to live at. Luckily enough you have a pal there who will gladly let you to stay at his appartment... but ofcourse there is a catch - the appartment is too big for just one person so you will get a roommate with it! She is one pretty looking and overall very nice gal yet she happens to work at the same company as you do. So yes, the clash of romance and career it is!
Your life has never been easy. And even the fact that you are working at the low-cost cafe making low-cost burgers doesn't make you too sad because you know that it could be much worse. Yet still you want for something bigger and greater for yourself. And you get the chance to change your life with the appearance of a new pal. Yet will this change be for the better or for the worse? Depends on the choices that you will make!
The common but pretty simple and good life of our main character turns upside down after a crash - now instead of homecoming he is living with three strange ladies barely remembering anything from his past life! But does it worth to remember or should he embrace all the new opportunities that he has at the moment? Making the choice and facing the consequences is up to you!
Welcome to the world of "Persona" once again! Yet this time your activities will be much more stressful than fighting monsters since in our game you will be... dating various characters! But just like with the monsters the key to success is pretty much th same - finding the proper approach. And yes, upgrading your personal statisitics will be quite helpfull too. Good luck!
The events of this story take place in a world similar to ours yet not exactly. For example here you can meet hot looking elf gal or muscled orc milf. Plus police ladies here are quite curvy and don't hesitate to use sex as one of the ways to settle the order around. And what could do in such world a simple human dude like yourself? As you will see soon enough it is actually quite a lot!
You play as a middle-aged man whose life doesn't seem to be perfect. Your bitchy ex-wife for example. Yet there are some good moments and people around you. Like your step-daughter who doesn't seem to be lost yet. Or your goddaughter with a very special talent of empathy. So which side - bright or grimm - your life will take further? Make a series of tough choices and you will see!
Mike and Julia know each other for almost all their lives. And ofcourse it was just a matter of time when the romantic feelings will appear between them. Yet at this very important Julia does something that makes Mike to leave the town! Was her mistake actually so terrible? Does she deserve another chance? Does Mike even love her or not? The answers for all these (and some other) questions you will be trying to find during the walkthrough.
"Callisto" is the name of your ship. Your spaceship to be more specific. Once a military you are now giving your own orders and go to your own adventures. You happened to gather an amazing crew which includes not only the talented specialists but also hot looking chicks (alien chicks as well!) so your travels around the galaxy are exciting in more than one meaning of this word.
You were planning to enjoy your favorite book during this train ride yet your attention was caught by hot and playful chick sitting in the line of your sight. She noticed that and it seems she is doesn't mind to have some fun. Some kinky fun, some public fun... But are you ready to play her game of manipulation and corruption or maybe sometimes it is better simply to stick to your book?